- All items shipped via USPS within United States USPS Priority shipping.
- All orders will be shipped within 3 business days.
- You will receive an order confirmation email containing a USPS tracking number.
- If you do not see a confirmation email after placing your order, please check your Junk/Spam folder.
- Once your order has shipped, please use USPS Tracking and tracking number provided to monitor delivery status.
- Customers understand Zoomy Art is not responsible for items lost or damaged by the post office.
- We ship via US Postal Service – Priority Mail which includes a tracking number and a basic ($50.00 USD) insurance within the USA, if the purchaser like’s for insure for the actual value of the shipment must contact us via email for us to include an invoice for the actual cost of insurance.
- All claims for loss or damage during shipping are made by the customer directly to USPS with the provided tracking number and self-generated email invoice.